executable size
David M. McQueen
mcqueen at acf4.NYU.EDU
Sun Feb 25 01:18:00 AEST 1990
/* acf4:comp.sys.sgi / trohling at uceng.UC.EDU (tom rohling) / 12:27 am Feb 24, 1990 */
> On a related note to my other article, can the size of an executable
>be reduced while still being an executable? I noticed that the size of the
>exec for some of the demos and such are very small but any extensive
>graphics thing I do is easily over 800k in size so something must have been
>done to 'em right?
> Any ideas?
>Tom Rohling "Infinity is where things happen
>trohling at uceng.uc.edu that don't." -Anonymous
> or
>rohling at afiris.ase.uc.edu
/* ---------- */
Two ways I have found to reduce the size of executables are:
1) compile using shared graphics libraries. As an example (Fortran, but
similar and even greater reductions are possible with C programs):
With f77 program.f -lfgl -lgl : 652704 bytes
With f77 program.f -lfgl -lgl_s : 453440 bytes
a reduction of about 200 Kbytes
2) again in Fortran, if you are using large arrays, place those arrays
in labelled common blocks.
Disclaimer: The above is just my opinion. God Alone Knows.
David M. McQueen,Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences,New York University
"The difference between long-distance commuting and long-distance computing is
that with long-distance computing you can stay in your office and get stuck in
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