Power for Iris 220S
Loren Buck Buchanan
buck at drax.gsfc.nasa.gov
Thu Feb 15 01:23:53 AEST 1990
In article <9002140322.AA05845 at physics.phy.duke.edu> rgb at PHY.DUKE.EDU ("Robert G. Brown") writes:
Thanks for the description [[[mostly deleted]]].
>The reasons for running 220V lines in this way are to minimize risk --
>unless you touch two lines simultaneously you can only get a 110V
>shock ...
In a prior life (before college) I was a marine electrician. The ships
I worked on had "two phase" 110V lines. 55V on neutral, and 55V on hot.
Again this is for the above saftey reason. The only problem with this
is the modifications that needed to be made to convert commercial
electrical equipment (radios, coffee pots, etc.) safe (well, actually
just a bit more sailor proof :-}).
B Cing U
Loren "Buck" Buchanan | internet: buck at drax.gsfc.nasa.gov | standard disclaimer
CSC, 1100 West St. | uucp: ...!ames!dftsrv!drax!buck | "By the horns of a
Laurel, MD 20707 | phonenet: (301) 497-2531 or 9898 | sky demon..."
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