Turning Off Ipforwarding on Irix 3.2
Thomas D. Schardt
tom at fangorn.gsfc.nasa.gov
Thu Feb 8 03:00:14 AEST 1990
Our network management wants all UNIX workstations that are not
performing routing functions (99.9% of the machines on base) to
turn off ipforwarding. Unforunately, SGI sets ipforwarding as
the default. I have read "Kernal Configuration" in the Irix 3.2
System Administrator's Guide, and I have determined that the
following procedure should rebuild the kernal with ipforwarding
% su
# cd /usr/sysgen/master.d
# cp bsd bsd.old
# vi bsd
int ipforwarding = 1;
int ipforwarding = 0;
# cd /usr/sysgen/boot
# cp bsd.a bsd.a.old
# lboot -u /unix.install
# cd /
# cp unix unix.orig
# sync
# sync
# reboot
When /etc/rc2.d/S95autoconfig is run and the following prompt appears,
answer 'y':
Automatically reconfigure the operating system?
Is this the correct procedure? Also is there any way of determining if
the ipforwarding flag is off in a given kernal file?
Tom Schardt Bitnet: K4TDS at SCFVM
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Internet: K4TDS at SCFVM.GSFC.NASA.GOV
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