Key mappings under 4Sight 1.0
John H Merritt
merritt at
Tue Feb 6 10:55:50 AEST 1990
In article <JEREMY.90Feb6091202 at> jeremy at (Jeremy Webber) writes:
>I have just started using a Personal Iris with 4Sight, and wish to change some
>of the key mappings, specifically (in decreasing order of importance):
> Make the key labelled "Backspace" return a DEL
> Make the key labelled "Caps Lock" act like a Control key
> Make the key labelled "Control" act like a META key
>These are needed so I can make GNU Emacs work sensibly in a wsh(1) window.
>Does anyone have the code necessary to insert into the "" file? Can
>anyone tell me how to remap keys in general under 4sight? Yes, I have read TFM
>(the 4sight guides), and tried to wade through the megabytes of postscript it
>seems to be necessary to be intimate with in order to customize this window
> -jeremy
>Jeremy Webber ACSnet: jeremy at
>Digital Arts Film and Television, Internet: jeremy at
>60 Hutt St, Adelaide 5001, Voicenet: +61 8 223 2430
>Australia Papernet: +61 8 272 2774 (FAX)
%%I forget where I got this, but it works great...
%%Optionally modify the call to replacekeys, then put it in your
/replacekeys { % origkeyvals_array changedkeyvals_array -> -
/changedvals exch def
/origvals exch def
/keysdict origvals length dict def
keysdict begin
0 1 origvals length 1 sub {
dup origvals exch get changedvals
3 2 roll get def
} for
createevent dup begin
/Name origvals def
/Priority 2 def
/Exclusivity true def
awaitevent dup dup begin
/Name get keysdict exch get /Name exch def
} loop
} fork pop pop pop
} def
% Capslock becomes CTRL
% Right CTRL becomes Capslock
% backspace becomes delete
% delete becomes backspace
[28420 28561 28477 28478]
[28419 28420 28478 28477] replacekeys
% 28423 Escape
% 28562 F1
% 28563 F2
% 28564 F3
% 28565 F4
% 28566 F5
% 28567 F6
% 28568 F7
% 28569 F8
% 28570 F9
% 28571 F10
% 28572 F11
% 28573 F12
% 28574 Print Screen
% 28575 Scroll Lock
% 28576 Pause
% 28471 ` and ~
% 28424 1 and !
% 28430 2 and @
% 28431 3 and #
% 28438 4 and $
% 28439 5 and %
% 28446 6 and ^
% 28447 7 and &
% 28454 8 and *
% 28455 9 and (
% 28462 0 and )
% 28463 - and _
% 28470 = and +
% 28477 Backspace
% 28577 Insert
% 28578 Home
% 28579 Page Up
% 28582 Keypad Num Lock
% 28583 Keypad /
% 28584 Keypad *
% 28492 Keypad -
% 28425 Tab and Backtab
% 28426 q
% 28432 w
% 28433 e
% 28440 r
% 28441 t
% 28448 y
% 28449 u
% 28456 i
% 28457 o
% 28464 p
% 28465 [ and {
% 28472 ] and }
% 28473 \ and |
% 28478 Delete
% 28580 End
% 28581 Page Down
% 28483 Keypad 7
% 28484 Keypad 8
% 28491 Keypad 9
% 28585 Keypad +
% 28420 Caps Lock
% 28427 a
% 28428 s
% 28434 d
% 28435 f
% 28442 g
% 28443 h
% 28450 j
% 28451 k
% 28458 l
% 28459 ; and :
% 28466 ' and "
% 28467 Enter
% 28479 Keypad 4
% 28485 Keypad 5
% 28486 Keypad 6
% 28422 Shift (left side)
% 28436 z
% 28437 x
% 28444 c
% 28445 v
% 28452 b
% 28453 n
% 28460 m
% 28461 , and <
% 28468 . and >
% 28469 / and ?
% 28421 Shift (right side)
% 28497 uparrow
% 28474 Keypad 1
% 28480 Keypad 2
% 28481 Keypad 3
% 28498 Keypad Enter
% 28419 Ctrl (left side)
% 28559 Alt (left side)
% 28499 Spacebar
% 28560 Alt (right side)
% 28561 Ctrl (right side)
% 28489 leftarrow
% 28490 downarrow
% 28496 rightarrow
% 28475 Keypad 0
% 28482 Keypad .
John H. Merritt # Yesterday I knew nothing,
Applied Research Corporation # Today I know that.
merritt at #
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