polf errors on 4D 70 GT
Jonathon Sivier
jsivier at UX1.CSO.UIUC.EDU
Sat Feb 24 05:10:32 AEST 1990
Has anyone else noticed anything like this? I am displaying a large
number of objects on a Iris 4D 70 GT. There are at least several hundred
polygons on the screen at any given time. As I move my POV around various of
the polygons will have their centers clipped out. The left and right ends are
displayed correctly but the center portions are not there. These polygons
tend to be long and thin, but not extremely so. They are in objects and
were created using polfi. I tried making them with floating point coords
using polf but it had no effect. I have backfacing on.
If anyone has any suggestions I would like to hear them, could this be a
hardware problem. I also notice this problem on the flight demo program, but
it isn't as pronounced.
Jonathan Sivier
jsivier at ux1.cso.uiuc.edu
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