upd: 3.2 querks
Henry Spencer
henry at utzoo.uucp
Tue Jan 16 05:51:05 AEST 1990
In article <2738 at odin.SGI.COM> jweldon at renegade.sgi.com (Jack Weldon) writes:
>... What do you get after you telnet in and type
>"echo $path". ...
One possibility, of course, is "nothing", because he's using the standard
shell and getting the path requires "echo $PATH" instead. Just a hint for
future reference: not everyone uses csh, so such a request should always
be prefaced with "what shell are you using?". (Apologies if this was clear
from earlier context, I came in in the middle of this topic.) It's really
very annoying to find companies whose software, documentation, or support
has a deeply-imbedded assumption that everyone agrees with their preference
on which shell to use. Tain't so.
1972: Saturn V #15 flight-ready| Henry Spencer at U of Toronto Zoology
1990: birds nesting in engines | uunet!attcan!utzoo!henry henry at zoo.toronto.edu
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