X11 and GL windows

Brent L. Bates AAD/TAB MS294 x42854 blbates at AERO4.LARC.NASA.GOV
Fri Jan 12 07:26:35 AEST 1990

     Are you saying two separate windows, from two separate executables?
If so, I can't see why not.  Now if you are saying an X11 window and a
GL window from the same executable, that may be interesting.

	Brent L. Bates
	NASA-Langley Research Center
	M.S. 294
	Hampton, Virginia  23665-5225
	(804) 864-2854
	E-mail: blbates at aero4.larc.nasa.gov or blbates at aero2.larc.nasa.gov

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