Was the Shuttle on a Silicon Graphics?
Loren Buck Buchanan
buck at drax.gsfc.nasa.gov
Sun Jan 14 08:33:43 AEST 1990
In article <21762 at uflorida.cis.ufl.EDU> pff at beach.cis.ufl.edu () writes:
>During the live coverage of the LDEF retrieval by the shuttle, TV showed
[stuff deleted]
>To me, the computer seemed to be a Silicon Graphics. Can anybody confirm
What you saw was at Johnson Space Center, and I cannot comment on what
they have or don't have.
However, here at Goddard Space Flight Center, we have something that is
very similar called 3D-Monitor (3DMon). 3DMon was initially developed
on an IRIS 2400, but the first release actually used during a mission
was on a 4D/60. I was one of the team that helped develop the first
two versions.
It has a similar display to what I saw on network TV, but we do not
have a data display window up on the IRIS, it is on a vt100 type
terminal. Our fourth window is what ever view was on the screen when
it was put into quarter screen mode. The views can be specified in
a large number of coordinate systems (shuttle, payload, end effector,
elbow, GCI (GeoCentric Inertial), etc.). The user is also able to
modify any view by changing the angle of view, the point looked at,
the eye point, and twist through either via the dials or through
menu picks.
If you want further information, contact me sometime after the 22nd,
as I am going away on a business trip.
B Cing U
Loren "Buck" Buchanan | internet: buck at drax.gsfc.nasa.gov | standard disclaimer
CSC, 1100 West St. | uucp: ...!ames!dftsrv!drax!buck | "By the horns of a
Laurel, MD 20707 | phonenet: (301) 497-2531 or 9898 | sky demon..."
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