wanted: low level debugger

Mark Callow msc at ramoth.esd.sgi.com
Wed Jan 10 14:32:00 AEST 1990

In article <591 at shuldig.Huji.Ac.IL>, amoss at batata.Huji.AC.IL (amos
shapira) writes:
> Hello,
>  I have to debug some program which I don't have the sources for and
>  no symbol table, I need to be able to disassemble the relevant part
>  and modify it (even in machine language).
Try dis(1).
>From the TARDIS of Mark Callow
msc at ramoth.sgi.com, ...{ames,decwrl}!sgi!msc
"There is much virtue in a window.  It is to a human being as a frame is to
a painting, as a proscenium to a play.  It strongly defines its content."

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