Binary representation of REAL #'s VAX vs.IRIS
Martin Serrer - Systems Manager
Fri Jan 5 06:33:00 AEST 1990
Hello all,
I asked this list sometime ago about moving binary files from a VAX to our
IRIS 4D50 via 4DDN and I thank you for the replies recieved.
I have another problem now.
These files were created on the VAX with a piece of FORTRAN code. The records
are were written as unformatted REAL*4 (F_floating) ie. four bytes arranged as
bits 15 14 7 6 0
|sign| exponent | fraction |
| fraction |
bits 31 16
I need to read these data files with a C program on the IRIS. Has anyone
written such a piece of code?? How are reals stored on the IRIS??
Any help would be appreciated.
I found the SWAP_* and SEX routines in the programmers reference manual and
hoped that they might be of some use but they are not documented in a
particularly useful manner.
| Martin Serrer Systems Lab., Bldg. M3, Montreal Rd.|
| 613-993-9442 (Bell) National Research Council of Canada,|
| serrer at (BITNET) Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A-0R6 |
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