elementary problems

Greg Couch gregc at cgl.ucsf.edu
Thu Jan 18 08:01:11 AEST 1990

Enclosed are context diffs to remove the case sensitivity of hostnames
in the NeWS server.  I have reported this problem to Mark Callow of SGI
and he said it will be fixed in the next release.  The context diffs
were produced by /usr/lib/rdiff (from the dev.sw.rcs software product)
which is amazing like the 4.3 BSD diff program.  Use the patch program
to install the fixes (or do it by hand).

	- Greg Couch
	gregc at cgl.ucsf.edu
*** init.ps.SGI	Fri Aug 25 17:51:50 1989
--- init.ps	Sat Jan  6 23:05:32 1990
*** 691,696
  } def
  /&main {go! DebuggingServer? {executive} if} def
  /RemoteHostRegistry 100 dict def	% list of hosts allowed to connect to server.
  RemoteHostRegistry localhostname true put
  RemoteHostRegistry /localhost true put

--- 691,698 -----
  } def
  /&main {go! DebuggingServer? {executive} if} def
+ /canonicalizehostname { canonicalizehostname strToLower } bind store
  /RemoteHostRegistry 100 dict def	% list of hosts allowed to connect to server.
  RemoteHostRegistry localhostname canonicalizehostname cvlit true put
  RemoteHostRegistry /localhost true put
*** 692,698
  /&main {go! DebuggingServer? {executive} if} def
  /RemoteHostRegistry 100 dict def	% list of hosts allowed to connect to server.
! RemoteHostRegistry localhostname true put
  RemoteHostRegistry /localhost true put
  RemoteHostRegistry (localhost) canonicalizehostname cvlit true put
  /NetSecurityWanted true def		% false if everyone is allowed to connect

--- 694,700 -----
  /canonicalizehostname { canonicalizehostname strToLower } bind store
  /RemoteHostRegistry 100 dict def	% list of hosts allowed to connect to server.
! RemoteHostRegistry localhostname canonicalizehostname cvlit true put
  RemoteHostRegistry /localhost true put
  RemoteHostRegistry (localhost) canonicalizehostname cvlit true put
  /NetSecurityWanted true def		% false if everyone is allowed to connect
*** 713,719
  		/ConnectionNumber ConnectionNumber 1 add store
  		/ProcessGroup ConnectionNumber def
  		exch pop exch pop dup
! 		getsocketpeername /OriginatingHost exch def
                  % See if OriginatingHost is in the Registry
                  RemoteHostRegistry OriginatingHost known

--- 715,721 -----
  		/ConnectionNumber ConnectionNumber 1 add store
  		/ProcessGroup ConnectionNumber def
  		exch pop exch pop dup
! 		getsocketpeername canonicalizehostname cvlit /OriginatingHost exch def
                  % See if OriginatingHost is in the Registry
                  RemoteHostRegistry OriginatingHost known
*** util.ps.SGI	Fri Aug 25 17:51:54 1989
--- util.ps	Sat Jan  6 23:05:35 1990
*** 263,268
  } def
  % Mac-like bounding box graphics procs.  Very useful for edge-critical drawing.
  % The graphics prinitives are rects, ovals and round rects.

--- 263,280 -----
  } def
+ /UpperCaseDict 26 dict def
+ UpperCaseDict begin
+ end
+ /strToLower {   % string => string
+ 	[ exch          % put string arg after [
+ 		{
+ 			dup UpperCaseDict exch known { 32 add } if
+ 		} forall
+ 	] cvas
+ } def
  % Mac-like bounding box graphics procs.  Very useful for edge-critical drawing.
  % The graphics prinitives are rects, ovals and round rects.

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