g++ on sgis [or gcc for that matter]

Reid Ellis rae%alias at csri.utoronto.ca
Fri Jan 19 03:35:34 AEST 1990

execu!sequoia!meritaus!dan at cs.utexas.edu (Dan Haug) writes:
|Does anyone have g++ reasonably operational on the SG?

I once tried to get gcc running under the Iris 4D, but to no avail.
It linked okay, but when I tried to run it, it died in one of the
assembler/lisp files.

"I don't even know what street Canada is on"  -- Al Capone
Reid Ellis  264 Broadway Avenue, Toronto ON, Canada M4P 1V9
rae%alias at csri.toronto.edu || +1 416 487 1383
"I don't even know what street Canada is on"  -- Al Capone
Reid Ellis  264 Broadway Avenue, Toronto ON, Canada M4P 1V9
rae%alias at csri.toronto.edu || +1 416 487 1383

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