Compress and LONG LONG LONG file names...

Dan Karron karron at ACF4.NYU.EDU
Thu Jul 26 00:08:24 AEST 1990

Compress wont tack on a .Z if it things a file name is too long, and will
not compress a long file name.

A while back, I noted that IRIS allows LONG LONG LONG file names.

Where is the source to compress (I think that sgi has it as a sbin executable,
but the source it public domain) ? Where in the /usr/include directory is
the def for a directory name slot length ? Can I make a version of compress
that will know the real length of IRIX file names. Is there a version/ or
the mods to do this around ?

The problem comes up when I have to compress a tree of files with longis(>18)
characters filenames. It is silly not to compress them only because
they have long names.


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