Bus error DURING call to malloc()
Trevor Paquette
paquette at cpsc.ucalgary.ca
Mon Jun 11 07:11:56 AEST 1990
In article <14525 at thorin.cs.unc.edu>, taylorr at glycine.cs.unc.edu (Russell Taylor) writes:
> We are running OS 3.2.2 on an IRIS 4D/240GTX. I ran a program and
> got the proverbial 'Bus error (core dumped)' message. The catch is that
> when I run dbx and look for the error, it tells me that the error occured
> IN malloc():
> ....Source (of malloc.c) not available...
> There are several calls to malloc() in the code. There have been
> successful calls before this call is made. All calls are passed constant
> references, and this code compiles and runs correctly on a variety of other
> machines (VAX, sun 4, DecStation).
> Is there a known bug (and hopefully fix) for this?
> Thanks,
> Russell Taylor
> taylorr at cs.unc.edu
In the files that use malloc add the following..
#include <malloc.h>
then when compiling add '-lmalloc' to your list of libraries. I have
had this problem before and this cleared it up.
Note: this does not 'fix' the problem.. you are now using a different
___________________________________________/No man is a failure who has friends
Trevor Paquette ICBM:51'03"N/114'05"W|I accept the challange, body and soul,
{ubc-cs,utai,alberta}!calgary!paquette|to seek the knowledge of the ones of old
paquette at cpsc.ucalgary.ca | - engraved on the Kersa Blade of Esalon
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