How to do non-blocking keyboard input
Mark Callow
msc at
Fri Jun 15 04:00:36 AEST 1990
In article <9006140143.aa19050 at WOLF.BRL.MIL>, mike at BRL.MIL (Mike Muuss) writes:
|> The best way to do it is to use the select() system call.
|> Here is a portable subroutine that will show you how to do it.
|> Best,
|> -Mike
|> -------
|> /*
|> * B S D S E L E C T
|> *
|> * Ordinarily, a stub for select() could have been implemented here,
|> * but the IRIS defines a graphics library routine select().
|> * On non-BSD systems, select() is a name likely to have been reused,
The GL routine "select" was renamed gselect in release 3.0 more than 2 years
>From the TARDIS of Mark Callow
msc at, ...{ames,decwrl}!sgi!msc
"There is much virtue in a window. It is to a human being as a frame is to
a painting, as a proscenium to a play. It strongly defines its content."
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