tar, 3030 <=> sun

Roger B.A. Klorese rogerk at mips.COM
Thu Mar 1 10:26:08 AEST 1990

In article <437 at skipper.dfrf.nasa.gov> disbrow at skipper.dfrf.nasa.gov (Jim Disbrow) writes:
>Is there some reason why a tar tape created on a 3030 series machine
>can't be read on a Sun 3/280?  Is it just me, or has anyone else
>experienced difficulties. Blocking factors are the same, the 3030 tar 
>seems to have 512 byte records that can't (according to the man page)
>be changed.  the man page on the Sun doesn't say what byte record it 
>uses, or how to change that either.

SGI systems write their tapes byte-swapped.  You must do the following:

	dd if=<my-tape-drive> conv=swab | tar xf -
ROGER B.A. KLORESE      MIPS Computer Systems, Inc.      phone: +1 408 720-2939
MS 4-02    928 E. Arques Ave.  Sunnyvale, CA  94086             rogerk at mips.COM
{ames,decwrl,pyramid}!mips!rogerk                                 "I'm the NLA"
"Two guys, one cart, fresh pasta... *you* figure it out." -- Suzanne Sugarbaker

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