third party hard drives ...
Brent L. Bates AAD/TAB MS294 x42854
blbates at AERO4.LARC.NASA.GOV
Thu Mar 29 01:30:43 AEST 1990
We bought a Hitachi DK514-38, ESDI drive for our 3130 to replace the
DK512-17 we already have. (We bought this drive on the recomendation of
a SGI technical person.) I got technical information on both drives and
almost got it to work. Actually, if I don't want to use the 1/4"
cartridge tape drive the new drive worked ok, but the moment I tried to
use the tape drive, I got hard disk errors. It turns out that the DK514-38
is too fast a drive for the Storager II board in the 3000's. Interphase
(the manufacturer of the Storager II board) said their Storager III board
would work with the drive. I owe a great deal to the people at Interphase
they helped me out a lot. With out them I wouldn'd have been able to get as
far as I did. Our local SGI field technitian did try to help, but couldn't
come up with any solutions. I do thank him for trying.
The best advice I can give you is to check with who ever you bought
the drive from and get a Product Specification and/or Service Manual for
both drives, preferably the Product Specifications. This makes life a
whole lot easier. I will try to give you some pointers. After you do
this a few times things become obvious, that when you started weren't at
all obvious.
Selecting Sector / Byte Clock / Address Mark Found:
Jumper plug JP32A
1 [--] 22 Sector-N
2 [--] 21 (both jumpers in)
1 [--] 22 Byte CLOCK
2 [ ] 21
1 [ ] 22 Address Mark Found-N
2 [--] 21
1 [ ] 22 Diagnostic Mode
2 [ ] 21 (both jumpers out)
(Our drive had both jumpers in, Sector-N selected)
Selection Bytes/Sector and Sectors/Track:
Jumper plugs JP22 & JP32
Jumper Plug # Jumper Plug Key # # of bytes
JP22 1-16 1
JP22 2-15 2
JP22 3-14 4
JP22 4-13 8
JP22 5-12 16
JP22 6-11 32
JP22 7-10 64
JP22 8-9 128
JP32 11-12 256
JP32 10-13 512
JP32 9-14 1024
JP32 8-15 2048
JP32 7-16 4096
JP32 6-17 8192
(Our drive was set to 652 bytes/sector, however when
you run the formatting program it is 512 bytes/sector
and you specify how many sectors/track you want)
You need to know how many bytes/track your disk has,
then divide that by the number of sectors you want per
track this will give you how many bytes/sector you will
set on the jumpers. This is a number >= 512 for the SGI
machines. This was the hardest part for me to get right.
At the end I had 708 bytes/sector and 42 sectors/track
on my DK514-38, this drive has 30,240 bytes/track unformatted.
So I had the jumpers set to 708 bytes and when I formatted
the drive I specified 42 sectors/track.
Note: the terms "track" and "cylinder" are used
interchangeably in documentation.
Drive Selector Jumper:
Jumper plugs JP32 & JP32A
Drive # 1 Drive # 2 Drive # 3
3 [--] 20 3 [ ] 20 3 [--] 20
4 [ ] 19 4 [--] 19 4 [--] 19 etc....
5 [ ] 18 5 [ ] 18 5 [ ] 18
(start numbering drives from 1, drive number 0 is not valid)
Setting Device Type:
Jumper plug JP39
1 [ ] 4 DK512-17
2 [ ] 3 (both jumpers out)
1 [--] 4 DK512-12
2 [ ] 3
1 [ ] 4 DK512-8
2 [--] 3
1 [--] 4 Reserved
2 [--] 3 (both jumpers in)
(Ours was set to DK512-17)
Setting/Resetting Write Protected:
Jumper plug JP172
1 [--] 4 Drive is always read only.
2 [ ] 3
1 [ ] 4
2 [--] 3
or Drive is always read/write.
1 [ ] 4
2 [ ] 3
(Ours was always read/write, jumper 2&3 in)
Setting Motor Start/Stop Option:
Jumper plug JP33A
[ --] Motor start/stop is controlled by command.
[-- ] Motor start/stop is controlled by power on/off.
(Ours was controlled by power on/off.)
Termination Networks:
Termination networks terminate the control signals line (J1).
Should be labelled MR24, looks like an IC and is near the J1
. In star (radial) systems, leave termination networks in
all drives.
. In daisy-chain systems, remove the termination networks
from all drives except the drive at the end of the chain.
Our 3130 is daisy-chain, so drive 1 SHOULD have had the termination
network removed and drive 2 should have had it installed. However,
the termination networks were in both drives.
(Note: star systems have a separate J1 connector for each
drive. In daisy-chain systems J1 goes from on drive
to the next.)
I hope this is of some help. There have been some rumors that SGI
puts custom ROMs in their drives. Based on the success I have had I
would say that rumor is false. Also, the DK514-38 will not work on a
3130, if you also have a 1/4" cartridge tape.
Brent L. Bates
NASA-Langley Research Center
M.S. 361
Hampton, Virginia 23665-5225
(804) 864-2854
E-mail: blbates at or blbates at
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