Parallel printing from 4D/70G ?

Kenneth Josiah Harris kj at
Thu Mar 22 07:14:22 AEST 1990

	here are some sketchy notes i put together for the parallel
	printing on the 3000, 4d70 and PI:

	to make a color printer work, you must have these things working:

	1. lp, the line printer spooling/scheduling software.
(see ~lp/etc/util/mkcentpr).

	2. {tvs}print, the "filter".  lives in /usr/lib/print. this
program converts "haeberli image format" to the format that the
printer can understand.
simple check on 4d70: "/usr/lib/print/tprint file > /dev/cent".
simple check on 4d20: "/usr/lib/print/tprint file > /dev/plp".

	3. /dev/cent on 4d70, /dev/plp on 4d20, the device driver.
should work.  has problems on early versions (4d3.1 alpha 39) of personal
iris release (see EFIB 11).

	4. the centronics/parallel controller board. must have correct
termination resistor. see FIB 17. 
for versatec, must have correct differential/TTL voltage levels.

	5. the cable. see PI owner's guide for cable number (db25 to
centronics).  (INMAC # 740-0).
	the INMAC part number for the IBM PC cable is 740-0 and 740-1

	2465 Augustine Drive
	Santa Clara, CA 95052

cable is different on 4d70.

SGI part numbers:

018-0098-001	parallel IF to IO internal 4d (berg/3m 34 to db37)
6000-322-02	parallel external IO to printer (db37 to centronics 36)

	6. the printer: tektronics, versatek, sieko.  run self test.
Ken J. Harris -- kj at or {decwrl,pyramid,ucbvax}!sgi!kj

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