qdevice and stuff.........

Anil Kaul kaul at cunixa.cc.columbia.edu
Thu Mar 29 05:27:24 AEST 1990

   I have been trying to queue certain keys on the keyboard, but have           
come up with a strange error:                                                   
   Whenever I press a key it seems to record two enteries in the event           
queue. It appears that one entry is for key being depressed and the other       
for the key while being released. Is it true or am I messing up somewhere else?
I would actually like to get only one entry everytime the key is depressed.    
Is there something I can do to avoid getting two enteries from each key?        
- Anil.         
email: kaul at ibm.com
       kaul at yktvmx.bitnet
       kaul at cunixa.cc.columbia.edu

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