IRIS Keyboard & etc.

Rob Warnock rpw3 at
Tue Mar 6 16:06:46 AEST 1990

In article <2715 at> blue at (Jim Blue) writes:
| I have been active at RTFM, all 31 volumes (though most of them don't apply)
| but haven't found how to get the number of lines and columns inside a wsh.
| (getsize() gives the size in pixels, but not in lines and columns.) Since vi,
| among other programs knows how to do this, it must be possible.

Well, I don't know about "vi", but when porting a "lines&columns" app
to an Iris recently, I found the more-or-less-standard Berkeley kernel
screen size stuff [fragments attached below] to work just fine. That
is, TIOCGWINSZ to get the size, and SIGWINCH to know when it changes.
Resizing by dragging on a corner "does the right thing". So "wsh" must
be telling the kernel.


Rob Warnock, MS-9U/510		rpw3 at		rpw3 at
Silicon Graphics, Inc.		(415)335-1673		Protocol Engines, Inc.
2011 N. Shoreline Blvd.
Mountain View, CA  94039-7311

============== attachment: code fragments ==================================

#ifdef TIOCGWINSZ             /* try to get window size from kernel */
struct winsize winsize;
#ifdef SIGWINCH               /* and if changing dynamically, track it
int   onwinch();


	...somewhere in main()...
	signal(SIGWINCH, onwinch());


	...wherever it is (in main()?) you try to find out screen size...
	if (ioctl(0, TIOCGWINSZ, &winsize) >= 0
		&& winsize.ws_row > 0            /* avoid common stty screwup */
		&& winsize.ws_col > 0 ) {
		MaxRow = winsize.ws_row - 1;	/* make 0-based */
		MaxCol = winsize.ws_col - 1;
	} else
        {	/* just use termcap size */
                MaxRow = tgetnum ("li") - 1;
                MaxCol = tgetnum ("co") - 1;
        } whatever calculations are needed based on the screen size...


	 * screen size changed -- do the right things
        if (ioctl(0, TIOCGWINSZ, &winsize) >= 0
         && winsize.ws_row > 0          /* avoid common stty screwup */
         && winsize.ws_col > 0 ) {
                MaxRow = winsize.ws_row - 1;
                MaxCol = winsize.ws_col - 1;
        } else {
                MaxRow = tgetnum ("li") - 1;
                MaxCol = tgetnum ("co") - 1;
        } whatever calculations for values that have to change because
	   the screen size changed, then...
	redraw();			/* clear and draw from scratch */
        signal(SIGWINCH, onwinch);	/* re-enable signal */

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