8MM Drives

Mark Bradley markb at denali.sgi.com
Sat Mar 17 03:27:29 AEST 1990

In article <10578 at alice.UUCP>, andrew at alice.UUCP (Andrew Hume) writes:
> i am only 99.5% sure of this but i believe it.
> Sony is the sole source of 8mm drives. Until somewhat recently,
> they shipped drives to Exabyte, who then modified the electronics
> and then sold it to you. Sony has since formed a 8mm data products
> group, which sells this tweaked drive directly to Exabyte who then
> resells it to you without further ado (more or less). Last i spoke
> with Sony people, they had no plans to sell the drivbes to anyone other
> than Exabyte (i can imagine licensing problems etc.).
> on the other hand, exabyte drives can be had quite cheaply these days
> from third parties ($3.5K?), despite the fact that SGI (and MIPS and DEC and ..)
> charge rather more (they do add value, even if only in FCC stuff).

The mechanism is made by Sony.  The drive is made by Exabyte.  They have
a *very* exclusive right to sell and mfr. these.


Mark Bradley				"Faster, faster, until the thrill of
I/O Subsystems				 speed overcomes the fear of death."
Silicon Graphics Computer Systems
Mountain View, CA 94039-7311		     ---Hunter S. Thompson

 Disclaimer:  Anything I say is my opinion.  If someone else wants to use it, 
             it will cost...						       

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