PI Problems with rcp

Tom Mitchell mitch at rock.sgi.com
Thu Mar 1 05:20:16 AEST 1990

In article <51649 at sgi.sgi.com> brendan at illyria.wpd.sgi.com (Brendan Eich) writes:
* In article <9002220905.aa28986 at VAT.BRL.MIL>, jra at BRL.MIL ("John R. Anderson", VLD/ASB) writes:
* > 	1. The other day, I changed the net addresses on our PI's, and
* > at the same time I happened to place a notice to the user's in /etc/motd.
* > Afterwards, "rcp" no longer worked correctly.

* The BSD rcp protocol is fragile: as the friendly manual page says in its
* BUGS section:
*      [Rcp is] confused by any output generated by commands in a .login,
*      .profile, or .cshrc file on the remote host.

Good stuff about 'cat'ing the motd.

One other common hit on this same problem is with the shell
prompt.  It is useful to ALWAYS check to see it the prompt
variable exists and then iff it exists set it to your

EXAMPLE for csh:

	if ($?prompt)  set prompt = "csh--`hostname`[\!] "

I learned this the hard way with the take option of BSD's tip program.
What if one did: "if ($?prompt)  cat /etc/motd"?

  Thomas P. Mitchell   --  mitch at sgi.com
	"All things in moderation; including moderation."

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