Memory prices

Brent L. Bates AAD/TAB MS294 x42854 blbates at AERO4.LARC.NASA.GOV
Sat Mar 3 05:37:42 AEST 1990

   When I say 20's, I mean 4D/20 & 4D/25. They are both 20's, as apposed
to 200's; i.e. 210, 220, 240, etc.

   Great news on the prices.  ($76/Mb from Clearpoint)  They just keep
going down.  SGI even cut their price for memory in half, now they
charge only twice what everyone else charges, instead of four times. :-)

	Brent L. Bates
	NASA-Langley Research Center
	M.S. 294
	Hampton, Virginia  23665-5225
	(804) 864-2854
	E-mail: blbates at or blbates at

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