qdevice and stuff.........
Thant Tessman
thant at horus.esd.sgi.com
Fri Mar 30 05:13:08 AEST 1990
In article <1990Mar28.192724.26499 at cunixf.cc.columbia.edu>,
kaul at cunixa.cc.columbia.edu (Anil Kaul) writes:
> Hi,
> I have been trying to queue certain keys on the keyboard, but have
> come up with a strange error:
> Whenever I press a key it seems to record two enteries in the event
> queue. It appears that one entry is for key being depressed and the
> for the key while being released. Is it true or am I messing up
somewhere else?
> I would actually like to get only one entry everytime the key is
> Is there something I can do to avoid getting two enteries from each
When you queue a button, and do:
dev = qread(&val);
'dev' is set to the button number (as defined in "device.h"),
and 'val' is set to 1 if the button went down, and 0 if the
button went up.
If you only want ascii information from the keyboard, then
qdevice(KEYBD); When a keyboard key is pressed, 'qread' will
set 'dev' to KEYBD and 'val' to the ascii value of the key.
Hope this helps,
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