info-iris archives on

John D Mccalpin mccalpin at vax1.acs.udel.EDU
Wed Mar 21 23:50:54 AEST 1990

Where (physically) is   I have been trying to 
ftp TeX out of the info-iris directory for a week now, and
the network connection invariably drops within the first
5-10 minutes.

When I did get a connection to stay up for a few minutes,
the transfer rate only averaged 1 kB/s.

I am very surprised by the terrible network response, since
U.Del. is very well connected to most of the world....

Is there anyplace else (preferably on the east coast) where
this software might reside?  I really don't want to pay $100
for the sgi software release tape just to get TeX....
John D. McCalpin                               mccalpin at
Assistant Professor                            mccalpin at
College of Marine Studies, U. Del.             mccalpin at

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