ar - the archiver

Chris Shaw cdshaw at cs.UAlberta.CA
Sun Mar 4 21:10:08 AEST 1990

In article <52318 at> davea at quasar.UUCP (David B. Anderson) writes:
>This is easily done. Say you name your archive  libmy.a and have a copy
>temporarily in /myliblocation.
>	su       # need to be root for the cp to /usr/lib
>	cp /myliblocation/libmy.a /usr/lib
>	exit     # no need to be root any more
>	cc t.c -lmy      #this works, since ld searches /usr/lib
>[ David B. Anderson  Silicon Graphics  (415)335-1548  davea at ]

This works fine, although you might not want to become root every 3 weeks
just to update the library. Use symbolic links, as follows.

    cd /usr/lib					# goto lib directory
    ln -s /myliblocation/libmy.a libmy.a  	# link to your library
    exit	# now you don't have to do this again if libmy.a changes
Chris Shaw     University of Alberta
cdshaw at           Now with new, minty Internet flavour!
CatchPhrase: Bogus as HELL !

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