
Mike York zombie at voodoo.UUCP
Tue Mar 20 01:57:59 AEST 1990

In article <408 at texhrc.UUCP> mjz at texhrc.UUCP (Michael Zeitlin) writes:
>    Does anybody know of an SGI annual user's group meeting?
>    If none exists, how about trying to organize one so we
>    can meet each other and interact with SGI on a more
>    "personal" basis...

On page 15 of the winter 1989 Iris Universe there was a side bar calling for
volunteers to help start an SGI User Group.  Having taken a fair amount of
abuse as part of DECUS leadership in varying capacities over the years, I 
thought "What the heck, let's do it again!"  I called up and volunteered.

I was invited to an organizational meeting at last year's NCGA in Philadelphia.
I can't find my notes from the meeting, but I recall there being 8 people
present, including Mark Compton and Neil Harrington (this name may be wrong,
it's from memory) from SGI.  Here is an exerpt from my trip report:

	IRIS User Group

	In the Winter, 1989, issue of the "IRIS Universe" Silicon Graphics 
	announced that an official IRIS User Group was being formed with an 
	organizational meeting to be held at NCGA.  Mike York was invited to 
	participate in this meeting which included individuals from Silicon 
	Graphics, Wavefront, CDC, the U.S. Government, and educational 
	institutions.  Most of the people attending had prior experience 
	with other user groups.

	Oddly enough, there was almost immediate agreement on the long term 
	goals for an IRIS User Group:

		Establish an annual conference for IRIS users, independent of 
		existing conferences. 

		Continue Birds-of-a-feather (BOF) sessions at existing 
		conferences for SGI users.

		Provide a place for "naive" new users (those with little computer 
		experience that are acquiring Personal IRIS's) to go for help.
		Be sure the IRIS User Group provides a home for both graphics 
		and non-graphics users for SGI equipment.  It is recognized that 
		with the introduction of SGI file servers there will be more 
		users who are not directly interested in graphics.

		Provide input to SGI for new product development.

		Publish a bug list on a regular basis.

		Publish a newsletter.

	It was recognized that a "critical mass" of users are needed to get 
	a user group started.  In order to start collecting interested users, 
	SGI will investigate setting up a bulletin board system.  The BBS 
	will allow users to dial in and get bug reports, down load source 
	code, and communicate with SGI engineers and other users.  It is 
	hoped that the BBS will be online by early fall, with the user group 
	established sometime in the summer of 1990.

I have not heard anything since then.  I sent mail to Mark Compton a few
weeks ago,  but have not yet received a reply.

Anybody at SGI know anything about this?

    Mike York                         |  "I want to embrace you, but
    Boeing Computer Services          |   first, I have to satisfy
    (206) 234-7724                    |   my sense of moral outrage"
    uw-beaver!ssc-vax!voodoo!zombie   |                  -Roger Rabbit

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