Bringing Up C++ V1.2.1 on 4D/80GT

Richard Rosenthal richr at
Thu Mar 15 23:41:27 AEST 1990

In article <417 at> richr at writes:
>I am just now bringing up AT&T C++ V1.2.1 on the 4D/80GT.
>Are there any particular [mods|changes] to the
>source (c files, makefiles...) that you could tell me about?

Let me add to my previous request -

We acquired 1.2 C++ from AT&T.  We did this before we knew
of its availability directly from SGI.  (It took us 12 months
of Government nonsense to finally get the tape in!)

So, I need to know what if anything I need to do to the generic
AT&T product to get it to work on 4D/80GT.

Additional point -

Would my license directly from AT&T for 1.2 C++ for the 4D/80
qualify me to receive the customized version from SGI?

Someone at SGI, thanks for listening.

Richard Rosenthal                 Internet:  richr at
Engineer Topographic Labs             UUCP:  ...!ames!!richr
Alexandria, VA 22060-5546            Phone:  +1 202 355 3653

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