Is this wrong?

Scott_Klosterman crscott at sdrc.UUCP
Thu Mar 15 04:45:15 AEST 1990

   The top of the file /usr/include/bsd/sys/ioctl.h contains the

#ifndef __BSD_IOCTL__
#define __BSD_IOCTL__
 * SGI compatibility hack which apes 4.3BSD <sys/ioctl.h>.

#include "../../sys/ioctl.h"
#include <net/soioctl.h>
#include <sys/ttychars.h>

    Should the last two lines look like this?

#include </bsd/net/soioctl.h>
#include </bsd/sys/ttychars.h>

    Or am I missing something?  There is no /usr/include/net directory
    nor a /usr/include/sys/soictl.h

    uunet!sdrc!crscott        Scott Klosterman

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