Displaying mac postscript stuff

Larry Hunter hunter at work.nlm.nih.gov
Wed Mar 21 06:21:02 AEST 1990

I'd like to be able to take files (images and formated text) from my
Mac to the SGI.  I thought the easiest way to do this would be to
create postscript files on the Mac (printing to a file with command-F
during print), ftp 'em to the SGI and then do "psh <filename>."
Everything looks fine, but nothing happens.  I tried "say -p
<filename>" also with no luck.  I would appreciate any help anyone
could offer before I spend a lot more time on this.

I looked at the postscript files, and have a couple of ideas: there
are font downloading commands that look like

     %%BeginFont: Helvetica-Bold
     %!PS-AdobeFont-1.0: Helvetica-Bold 001.004
     %%CreationDate: Wed Sep 27 22:11:11 1989
     %%BeginFont: Helvetica-Bold
     %!PS-AdobeFont-1.0: Helvetica-Bold 001.004
     %%CreationDate: Wed Sep 27 22:11:11 1989
eventually followed by lots of binary (?) data.  Could that be the problem?
There's also a document setup section right after the prolog that may
be printer specific:

     md begin

     T T 0 0 730 552 -31 -30 761 582 100 72 72 1 F F F F T T T F psu
     (Larry Hunter; document: Paper)jn
     0 mf
     %%Page: ? 1

I'm fairly new to postscript (and unconvinced that humans should ever
have to look at the stuff), and I sure could use some help...


Larry Hunter
National Library of Medicine
hunter at nlm.nih.gov
(301) 496-9300
(301) 496-0673 (fax)

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