named problems

Lee A. Butler butler at BRL.MIL
Wed Mar 14 15:44:00 AEST 1990

On the surface it looks like your nameserver isn't serving the domain


This is usually accomplished on the local host by adding the following line
to your named.boot file:

primary   0.0.127.IN-ADDR.ARPA  named.local

where the file named.local looks something like:

@       IN      SOA (
                        880912  ; Serial
                        3600    ; Refresh
                        300     ; Retry
                        3600000 ; Expire
                        7200 )  ; Minimum
        IN      NS
1       IN      PTR     localhost.

You can check all of this by running nslookup and listing the domain

Lee A. Butler
SLCBR-VL-V					Internet: butler at
Ballistic Research Laboratory			   Phone: (301) 278-8740
Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 21005-5066

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