Setting up a personal iris as a gateway.

John Buchanan buchanan at
Tue Mar 20 11:01:35 AEST 1990

Has anyone done this?  Is it wise.  We are currently benchmarking a second
ethernet board on a PI.  Unfortunately we do not have any docs.  Could
anyone who has done this please drop me a note and tell me what to do.  

The first problem seems to be what exact cable to hook onto the second
ethernet board.  We tried male to male but that had very unpleasant effects
on our local multiport transceiver.

|					|===============================|
|	John Buchanan (juancho)		|	buchanan at	|
|	Imager Manager			|===============================|
|	Imager				|	(604) 228-2218		|
|	Department of Computer Science	|===============================|
|	University of British Columbia	|	Standard disclaimer	|
|	Vancouver, BC, Canada		|	included in this	|
|					|	box, right here.	|

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