4D25S memory

Brent L. Bates AAD/TAB MS294 x42854 blbates at AERO4.LARC.NASA.GOV
Thu Mar 22 00:02:04 AEST 1990

   Here is a list I have compiled from info-iris mail.  I don't know
how good or bad any of them are we haven't ordered anything yet.

   Sophistecated Circuits, Seattle (206) 547-4779
      Memory for 4D 20's, $310/Mb (in late April '89)

   Impediment, Inc., 333 Duxbury, MA 02332, (617) 837-8877
      Memory for 4D 20's, 1Mb simms, $90/Mb (early January '90)
      Memory for 4D 20's, 4Mb simms, $187.5/Mb (early January '90)
      Memory for 4D 200's $225/Mb (early January '90)
      (Have heard good things about this company, including
       5 year replacement guarantee, not 90 days like
       some companies)

   ClearPoint, 35 Parkwood Drive, Hopkington,MA 07148, (800) 253-2778
      (508) 435-2000
      Memory for 4D 20's, $76/Mb (GSA pricing) (late February '90)
      1Mb sims, $100/Meg (80Ns); 4Mb sims, $200/Meg
      (Life time warranty.)

If anyone has any more names to add to the list please let me know.
Also, please include an address or at least a phone number for the
>From info-iris-request at vmb.brl.mil  Thu Feb 15 15:11:39 1990
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Date: 6 Feb 90 22:38:03 GMT
From: James Helman <shelby!portia!baroque!jim at decwrl.dec.com>
Organization: Stanford University
Subject: Re: IRIS 4D/20 memory upgrade
Message-Id: <JIM.90Feb6143803 at baroque.Stanford.EDU>
References: <1990Feb4.072319.13990 at gpu.utcs.utoronto.ca>
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Status: R

I prefer to buy memory that the third-party manufacturer claims works
on a machine, rather than taking chances with stuff off the shelf at
the local electronics shop.  That way you can always send it back if
it doesn't work as promised.  Also, lifetime warranties are valuable,
especially on board level products.

Clearpoint sells memory for the 4D/20 through 4D/80.  Helios sells
memory for the 4D/2x0 series.  Clearpoint's number is 1-800-CLEARPT.
I don't have Helios' number.  Or contact any reasonable size memory/
peripheral distributor.  Among the ones in Northern California, we've
found CITA in Sacremento (916) 344-5558 to have good prices and

Jim Helman
Department of Applied Physics			P.O. Box 10494
Stanford University				Stanford, CA 94309
(jim at thrush.stanford.edu) 			(415) 723-4940	

>From WJP at VM.NRC.CA  Mon Mar  5 09:11:13 1990
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Date:         Mon, 05 Mar 90 08:53:43 EST
From: Wayne Podaima <WJP at VM.NRC.CA>
Organization: National Research Council, Computing Services, Ottawa CAN
Subject:      Re:  Memory prices
To: "Brent L. Bates AAD/TAB MS294 x42854"
 <blbates at aero4.larc.nasa.gov>
In-Reply-To:  Your message of Fri, 2 Mar 90 07:59:50 EST
Status: R

We use the same 1MB 80ns SIMMS from Parity in Sun 3/x0's and SGI 4D/25's.
No problems, fast ship, life-time warranty.  Last time we ordered (early
Jan/90) they were $85US.

   Parity Systems Inc.
   504-B Vandell Way
   Campbell, CA   95008-9737   John Miller  (408) 378-1000
                                       FAX: (408) 378-1022

In fact, any of the 10 or so Sun memory suppliers will probably do.  Thats
where the market is (PI's & Mac's just happen to use the same memory).


>From davis at adenosine.pharm.utah.edu  Mon Mar  5 16:05:20 1990
Received: Mon, 5 Mar 90 16:05:20 EST from cs.utah.edu by aero4.larc.nasa.gov (5.52/5.6)
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Date: Mon, 5 Mar 90 14:08:06 MST
From: davis at adenosine.pharm.utah.edu (Darrell R. Davis)
Posted-Date: Mon, 5 Mar 90 14:08:06 MST
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In-Reply-To: "Brent L. Bates AAD/TAB MS294 x42854"'s message of Mon, 5 Mar 90 11:45:32 EST <9003051945.AA01738 at aero4.larc.nasa.gov>
Subject:   Iris memory sources, update.
Status: R

I recently, Jan 1990, bought memory for 4D 20, 1Mb simms, from
Sophisticated Circuits.  Address: 19017 120th Ave N.E., Bothel WA
98011, (206) 485-7172.  Price at that time was $125/meg.  They also
had 4MB chips but I forgot the price.  About 3day delivery.  This is
about the 4th time I have bought memory from them (originally at $310
per meg). Last year I got a batch of bad chips and they promptly
replaced them with no hassle.  The original memory I bought is still
working fine, just about 2 years.

-----Darrell R. Davis 
davis at adenosine.pharm.utah.edu
Department of Medicinal Chemistry,  University of Utah

  "Faster, faster -- until the thrill of speed overcomes
   the fear of death."
                       --H.S. Thompson


	Brent L. Bates
	NASA-Langley Research Center
	M.S. 361
	Hampton, Virginia  23665-5225
	(804) 864-2854
	E-mail: blbates at aero4.larc.nasa.gov or blbates at aero2.larc.nasa.gov

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