prefposition'ing psview
Mark Callow
msc at
Tue May 1 06:34:07 AEST 1990
In article <1990Apr27.143504.3705 at>,
pstowne at (Charles E. Towne) writes:
|> Is it possible to define a default position and size for the window
|> created when using psview? I know about using prefposition in my
|> file. According to T fine M, the name to be used with
|> prefposition for NeWS programs is the one assigned by IconLabel.
|> However, IconLabel isn't used in any of the sources I have for
|> psview (in /usr/NeWS/clientsrc).
You are right. Psview defines its own PaintIcon functions which just
paints the FrameLabel. There isn't any way to define a default position.
Since you have the source you can go ahead and change psview yourself.
Just define IconLabel as (psview) or as FrameLabel, which is
the name of the file being previewed, depending on your preference.
The window for changes to the forthcoming software release just closed
so you won't be seeing a fix from us in the near future.
Note you can use the -F option to give Frame a fixed size window suitable
for an 8.5 * 11 inch page. I find this a lot more convenient than having
to stretch out the window.
>From the TARDIS of Mark Callow
msc at, ...{ames,decwrl}!sgi!msc
"There is much virtue in a window. It is to a human being as a frame is to
a painting, as a proscenium to a play. It strongly defines its content."
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