
Paul Breslin pbreslin at alias.UUCP
Thu May 31 23:33:21 AEST 1990

> /usr/people/4Dgifts/iristools, then
> % cd libgutil
> % make
> % cd ../libimage
> % make
> % cd ../imgtools
> % make toalias
> and at this point, you'll have the executable that will convert an SGI image
> file into an ALIAS (i.e. quickpaint/quickmodel) image file format.
> --
> 											 daveus rattus

It is true that "toalias" converts from SGI RGB format to Alias RGB format.
What is *not* true is that QuickPaint and QuickModel use Alias format.
So please don't waste your time with the above process if you hope to
deal with QuickPaint image files.

As mentioned before, QuickPaint uses SGI colorindex format in combination
with a saved SGI colormap file. Refer to the SGI image library source
in 4Dgifts/iristools/libimage for the gory details.

Paul Breslin

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