4Sight heads south and freezes

Mark Callow msc at ramoth.esd.sgi.com
Tue Nov 27 06:24:16 AEST 1990

In article <1990Nov20.164951 at bucrf11.bu.edu>, tjh at bucrf11.bu.edu (Tim Hall) writes:
|> On our SGI's (PI's and 4D/2xx's) running 3.3.1 if I hold down the ctrl
|> key and move the cursor to a new window the window manager freezes.
|> By that I mean the only active window you can get is the window that
|> the cursor was originally in.  If you try to type in that window all

If you haven't released the control then what you are observing is the
intended behaviour.

|> the characters come out as ctrl characters.  The only way to get out is
|> the ol' ctrl-shift-#pad\-f12 to get out.  We have our ctrl and
|> caps-lock keys remapped - could this be it?

However, if you have released the control key then what you are seeing is
almost certainly some interaction between you ctrl caps-lock mapping and
the window manager focus controller.

>From the TARDIS of Mark Callow
msc at ramoth.sgi.com, ...{ames,decwrl}!sgi!msc
"Spirits of genius are always opposed by mediocre minds" - Albert Einstein

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