Graphics error

Stefan Farestam farestam at ULTIMA.CERFACS.FR
Fri Nov 30 20:12:03 AEST 1990

   A graphics program of mine occasionally makes the window server
   go down. Although exhaustive searches for bugs, I have not been
   able to locate the cause. The program runs on a 4D25GT under
   system release 3.2.1. The following are some excerpts from
   /usr/adm/SYSLOG taken right after the crashes:

grcond[15409]: Child process /etc/gl/pandora terminated by signal 15
grcond[15409]: Restoring PROM textport microcode
grcond[15866]: In limbo
grcond[15866]: Alive
grcond[15866]: CIO: UT (FIFO still > half full)!
grcond[15866]: CIO: 
grcond[15866]: CIO: WARNING: Graphics error: GE PC = 2672
grcond[15866]: CIO: 

grcond[15866]: Child process /etc/gl/pandora terminated by signal 15
grcond[15866]: Restoring PROM textport microcode
grcond[16883]: In limbo
grcond[16883]: Alive
grcond[16883]: CIO: UT (FIFO still > half full)!
grcond[16883]: CIO: 
grcond[16883]: CIO: WARNING: Graphics error: GE PC = 2672
grcond[16883]: CIO: 
grcond[16883]: CIO: gr1_fifo_intr: TIMEOUT (FIFO still > half full)!
grcond[16883]: CIO: 
grcond[16883]: CIO: WARNING: Graphics error: GE PC = 2678
grcond[16883]: CIO: 

grcond[14580]: CIO: gr1_fifo_intr: TIMEOUT (FIFO still > half full)!
grcond[14580]: CIO: 
grcond[14580]: CIO: WARNING: Graphics error: GE PC = 2672
grcond[14580]: CIO: gr1_fifo_intr: TIMEOUT (FIFO still > half full)!
grcond[14580]: CIO: 
grcond[14580]: CIO: WARNING: Graphics error: GE PC = 2680

grcond[16883]: Child process /etc/gl/pandora terminated by signal 15
grcond[16883]: Restoring PROM textport microcode
grcond[17241]: In limbo
grcond[17241]: Alive
grcond[17241]: CIO: UT (FIFO still > half full)!
grcond[17241]: CIO: 
grcond[17241]: CIO: WARNING: Graphics error: GE PC = 2672
grcond[17241]: CIO: 
grcond[17241]: CIO: gr1_fifo_intr: TIMEOUT (FIFO still > half full)!
grcond[17241]: CIO: 
grcond[17241]: CIO: WARNING: Graphics error: GE PC = 2678
grcond[17241]: CIO: 
grcond[17241]: CIO: gr1_fifo_intr: TIMEOUT (FIFO still > half full)!
grcond[17241]: CIO: 
grcond[17241]: CIO: WARNING: Graphics error: GE PC = 2672
grcond[17241]: CIO: 

   I wonder if someone might have a clue as to how to interpret
   these error messages, and consequently being able to hint me
   what to look for in my program.

   Any suggestions appreciated.

          Stefan Farestam


 .             Stefan Farestam <farestam at>           .
.   __ __  __ _  _ _                                                  .
.  /  |_ )|_ /_\/ (          European Centre for Research and         .
 . \_ |__\| /   \__)    Advanced Training in Scientific Computation  .

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