Tidy icon events...

Ethan Merritt merritt at milton.u.washington.edu
Fri Nov 16 04:40:03 AEST 1990

>> kahn at uxh.cso.uiuc.edu (Scott Kahn) wrote:
>> [ description of prolblem ]
>> My question is what occurs when "tidy" is selected, and what
>> information/events are passed along to an iconified program?

	I have been meaning to ask this question as well.  I can
draw nice icons which duplicate a graphics picture in miniature using
iconsize(), etc.  But I lose control over what state the program is in 
whenever the icon gets tidied.  Can someone post a quick summary of
what tidy really does, or point to some place in the documentation?

					Ethan A Merritt
Dept of Biological Structure                H510 Health Sciences
University of Washington SM-20              (206)543-8865
Seattle, WA 98195                           merritt at u.washington.edu

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