cc and f77 yield different a.out ?
Calvin H. Vu
calvin at
Wed Nov 28 04:57:06 AEST 1990
In <9011261340.AA02612 at> jit at SLIC.CELLBIO.DUKE.EDU (Jit Keong Tan) writes:
| I tried to compile a Fortran program using cc and f77
| drivers, they yield both different a.out files.
| Results are the same though.
| Does anyone know why ?
If you use cc driver, the standard libc.a library will be used, if
you use f77, libmpc.a will be used so there will be a difference of
about 70K (too lazy to confirm here :-)) in size between the two a.out.
That's my best guess. Compiling with -v and the linker will tell you
exactly which libraries get linked.
| --------------------------------------------------------
| Jit Keong Tan | internet: jit at
| (919) 684-8098 | bitnet : tan00001 at dukemc.bitnet
| --------------------------------------------------------
- calvin
Calvin H. Vu | "We are each of us angels with only one
Silicon Graphics Computer Systems | wing. And we can only fly embracing
calvin at (415) 962-3679 | each other."
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