Plotting scientific data on Irises.
kalle at
kalle at
Mon Oct 8 01:07:29 AEST 1990
>"Alan M. Mathiowetz" writes:
> We are looking for a good commercial package for plotting two- and three-
>dimensional scientific data on SGI workstations. We have a fairly large number
>of users, so the easier the package is to use, the better -- i.e. a menu-driven
>program would be ideal. Postscript output would be great, but is not absolutely
>necessary. Does anyone have any recommendations?
We are using UNIRAS from UNIRAS as in Coperhagen for that purpose, on Cray,
Suns and Irises. It is a really good package, with a lot of drivers for
and terminals... it is somewhat expensive, but i think you might like it...
It has several interactive programs for simple and more complex 2 and 3D
and it has a very well documented subroutine library... really class !
You might consider contacting them, phone +45 31 672288...
! From the keyboard of Karl Eggestad. The opinions expressed are mine, and
do !
! not necessarily reflect those of my employer, SINTEF of Trondheim,
Norway. !
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