/usr/NeWS/bin man pages?
Brent L. Bates AAD/TAB MS361 x42854
blbates at AERO4.LARC.NASA.GOV
Tue Oct 30 01:00:24 AEST 1990
We have 3.3.1 on our systems and /usr/NeWS/bin is a symbolic link
to /usr/sbin. Like you said some have man pages and some do not.
I know this doesn't help much, but it is one more piece to the
Brent L. Bates
NASA-Langley Research Center
M.S. 361
Hampton, Virginia 23665-5225
(804) 864-2854
E-mail: blbates at aero4.larc.nasa.gov or blbates at aero2.larc.nasa.gov
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