Piecewise linear splines
zyda res acct
adaptive at libra.cs.nps.navy.mil
Tue Oct 30 15:12:38 AEST 1990
I am trying to convert a data file consisting of polygon vertices
into a file containing the coefficients of a parametric polynomial
function of order 1. In other words, polygon data to parametric
piecewise linear curve. Given:
1) N: The number of segments,
2) T(1),...,T(N+1): The endpoints and the breakpoints separating
the polynomial segments,
3) The coordinates of the points in the i-th segment of the curve
are given by the following polynomials:
X(u) = AX(i) + BX(i) * s
Y(u) = AY(i) + BY(i) * s
Z(u) = AZ(i) + BZ(i) * s
T(i) <= u <= T(i + 1), i = 1,...,N
s = u - T(i)
My question is how do I get the values for the coefficients A(i),B(i),
i = 1,...,N representing the spline in each of the N segments?
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