Fooling with 'tops' and 'imgexp' utilities
Christopher L. Fouts
fouts at
Fri Apr 12 08:57:28 AEST 1991
In article <1991Apr10.010515.19951 at leland.Stanford.EDU>, dhinds at portia.Stanford.EDU (David Hinds) writes:
|> I'm curious about the parameters for the 'tops' program. I remember reading
|> that the default halftone screens on Laserwriters were very nonoptimal; are
|> there some values that work better with 'tops', or are its defaults as good
|> as they can be? Also, I can't seem to get a plain white background with my
|> printed images. I used the 'invert' program to flip the screen black to
|> white, but it comes out as a sparse dot pattern on our laser printer. So,
|> I tried using 'imgexp {files} 10 245' to force the very light and very dark
|> areas to true white and black. When I look at the images before and after
|> with 'hist', however, they seem to have exactly the same grey scale ranges!
|> There are still lots of vertices with grey values in the 251..254 range.
|> 'imgexp' does seem to work if I ask for more extreme range reductions.
There is a slight bug (feature?) in the routine to convert RGB to black and
white. In tops.c (as of 3.3.2), the routine rgbrowtobw has the following line:
*obuf++ = (77*(*rbuf++) + 150*(*gbuf++) + 28*(*bbuf++))>>8;
Notice that for a gray RGB value (rbuf = gbuf = bbuf = value ), this is the
same as
*obuf = ( (77+150+28) * value ) >> 8 ; or
= ( 255 * value ) / 256
Thus white RGB values (value = 255) get rounded off to 254, which results in
a very sparse dithering. Correct this by adding 1 to the constant of your
choice, such that the total is 256, as in
*obuf++ = (77*(*rbuf++) + 150*(*gbuf++) + 29*(*bbuf++))>>8;
Chris L. Fouts email: fouts at
Systems Engineer vmail: 8714
SGI - Dallas phone: 214-788-4122
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