4Dgifts movie.c
Gregory J. Atchity
Mon Apr 8 04:52:31 AEST 1991
I just tried to make a short "movie" from 16 postscript images by using
the snapshot program to convert to SGI image files and viewing them with
"movie" program from the 4Dgifts directory.
On our 4D25 TG machine things look as I expect, but on our basic 4D25's
the background comes out gray instead of white. The program ipaste (also
from 4Dgifts) shows a white background on both types of machines.
What gives? Would someone tell me how to change the movie.c code to give me
a white background, or tell me why it can't be done?
Greg Atchity Iowa State University
atchity at tc2.chem.IaState.edU Ames Laboratory - USDOE
atchity%qchem1 at alISUvax.bitnet 310 Wilhelm Hall
(515) 294-2582 Ames, IA 50011
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