disk full message in SYSLOG

Andrew Myers andru at electron.lcs.mit.edu
Sun Apr 14 05:42:44 AEST 1991

laplante at ocgy.ubc.ca (Denis Laplante) writes:
> rbriber at POLY1.NIST.GOV writes:
>|> Apr  8 18:03:02 poly2 grcond[7495]: CIO: t of space
>|> Apr  8 18:03:02 poly2 grcond[7495]: CIO: dks0d1s6: Out of space
>|> Apr  8 18:03:02 poly2 last message repeated 16 times
>You should ignore most messages in SYSLOG of the form 'grcond[....]: CIO' ,
>as they are redundant copies of messages reported previously.

Not true. A message of the form "grcond: [...] CIO: ..." is a message which
would have appeared on the console, if there had been a console. However,
this message was generated while there was no console to print it to,
either because the console window was closed, or because graphical login
is running.

Instead, the "graphics console daemon" (grcond) intercepted the message
and put it in SYSLOG. While the message may indeed be identical to
messages which were previously reported to the console or to SYSLOG,
it is not necessarily redundant.


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