Modification of keyboard code sequences
David S. Browning
browning at
Sat Apr 20 00:44:06 AEST 1991
In article <1991Apr12.043331.29665 at> browning at (David S. Browning) writes:
I want to be able to modify the code sequences generated by the
IRIS-4D series keyboard. I have a 4D/60 running IRIX 3.3.1, using the
4Sight NeWS server (i.e. not X windows).
My manual is a little old, Version 3.0. In the 4Sight Programmer's
Guide, Section 1: Using the GL/DGL Interfaces, Appendix A.2, Table A-3
lists the code sequences generated for all the keys when combined with
shift, ctrl and alt. I want to disable the ANSI CSI ("ESC [") escape
I'll post what I've learned so far.
Mark_Israel at helped me with elisp code that traps
the CSI sequences from within emacs. I mapped M-[ to a new function
which reads the rest of the CSI sequence. I had to remap
backward-paragraph since that used M-[, and I remapped
forward-paragraph as well so the two commands would stay together.
The following goes in .emacs:
;; These were originally M-[ and M-], but I want M-[ to trap CSI.
(global-set-key "\M-{" 'backward-paragraph)
(global-set-key "\M-}" 'forward-paragraph)
(defun csi-trap () "Trap CSI escape sequences from SGI Iris keyboard"
(setq c (read-char))
((= c ?C) (forward-char 1))
((= c ?D) (backward-char 1))
((= c ?A) (previous-line 1))
((= c ?B) (next-line 1))
((= c ?0)
(setq c (read-char))
(setq c (read-char))
(setq c (read-char))
((= c ?1)
(setq c (read-char))
(setq c (read-char))
(setq c (read-char))
((= c ?2)
(setq c (read-char))
(setq c (read-char))
(setq c (read-char))
(global-set-key "\M-[" 'csi-trap)
The trapped CSI sequence beeps, unless it's one of the 4 arrow keys,
in which case it takes the appropriate action.
At the wsh level, bindkey(1) redefines a few of the function keys, and
these override the CSI sequences, even when combined with CTRL, ALT,
etc. Once bindkey redefines them, they can't be trapped from within
emacs (at least not with csi-trap).
| Internet: browning at Phone: (415) 604-4321 |
| UUCP: {hplabs, mailrus, ucbvax, etc.}!ames!amelia!browning |
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