Relative GL costs
"dwilliam at larry.ATL.GE.COM" at
"dwilliam at larry.ATL.GE.COM" at
Fri Apr 5 05:41:05 AEST 1991
"Howard C. Smith" <smith at> writes:
> Does anyone have numbers as to the relative cost of
> particular GL calls? (for each machine in the 4D series). Maybe all
> normalized as a percentage of gconfig (presumably the most
> expensive).
> Howard Smith
> smith at
* this might be what you are looking for.
* let me know if you make any interesting enhancements.
* compile with:
* cc -prototypes -acpp -O -s glbench.c -lm -lgl_s -lc_s -o glbench
* dan (dwilliams at
* GL benchmarking results sorted numerically for a 210GTX:
* swapbuffers : 61 calls per second
* drawmode(OVER)/drawmode(NORMAL) : 3600 calls per second
* winset(win1)/winset(win2) : 5900 calls per second
* pushname/popname : 6000 calls per second
* pushattributes/popattributes : 6100 calls per second
* getcolor : 8100 calls per second
* setlinestyle(1)/setlinestyle(0) : 20000 calls per second
* setpattern(1)/setpattern(0) : 22000 calls per second
* rot : 31000 calls per second
* pushviewport/popviewport : 32000 calls per second
* getpid : 34000 calls per second
* reshapeviewport : 34000 calls per second
* rotate : 41000 calls per second
* scale : 70000 calls per second
* translate : 70000 calls per second
* linewidth(3)/linewidth(1) : 82000 calls per second
* pushmatrix/popmatrix : 110000 calls per second
* getgdesc(GD_XPMAX) : 290000 calls per second
* color(1)/color(2) : 580000 calls per second
* winset(win1) : 600000 calls per second
* winget : 940000 calls per second
* getorigin : 980000 calls per second
* getsize : 980000 calls per second
#define __EXTENSIONS__
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <gl/gl.h>
float testtime = 2.0; /* seconds each test should last */
int windowid1, windowid2;
* raise <x> to the integer power <power>
double powi (double x, int power)
double y;
if (power < 0)
for (y = 1.0; power < 0; power++)
y /= x;
for (y = 1.0; power > 0; power--)
y *= x;
return (y);
* return <x> rounded to <digits> significant digits (float version)
float fsignif (float x, int digits)
double sign, temp;
if ((digits <= 0) || (x == 0.0))
return (0.0);
sign = copysign (1.0, x);
x = fabs (x);
temp = powi (10.0, digits -
(((-1.0 < x) && (x < 1.0)) ? 0 : 1) -
(int) ftrunc (flog10 (x)));
return ((float) copysign (rint (x * temp) / temp, sign));
* return time (in seconds) between two timevals
float elapsed (struct timeval *t1, struct timeval *t2)
return ((float) ((t2->tv_sec + t2->tv_usec / 1000000.0) -
(t1->tv_sec + t1->tv_usec / 1000000.0)));
* do as little as possible without being optimized away
void nothing (void)
volatile int x = 0;
* return a calls per second value for the input function <func>
int calls (void (*func)(void))
register int i, j, count;
struct timeval start, stop;
float nulltime, functime;
void (*nullfunc)();
* determine number of times to call function
for (j = 1; ; j *= 2) {
gettimeofday (&start, (struct timezone *) NULL);
for (i = 0; i < j; i++)
func ();
gettimeofday (&stop, (struct timezone *) NULL);
functime = elapsed (&start, &stop) - nulltime;
if (functime >= 0.5) {
count = (int) (j * testtime / functime);
* call a function which does nothing to get a tare
nullfunc = nothing;
gettimeofday (&start, (struct timezone *) NULL);
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
nullfunc ();
finish ();
gettimeofday (&stop, (struct timezone *) NULL);
nulltime = elapsed (&start, &stop);
* time the function
gettimeofday (&start, (struct timezone *) NULL);
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
func ();
finish ();
gettimeofday (&stop, (struct timezone *) NULL);
/* and subtract the tare */
functime = elapsed (&start, &stop) - nulltime;
if (functime <= 0.0) {
(void) fprintf (stderr, "bad time in calls\n");
return (-1);
* return calls per second rounded to two significant digits
return ((int) fsignif ((count / functime + 0.5), 2));
* functions to time
void mycolor (void) { color (1); color (2); }
void mydrawmode (void) { drawmode (OVERDRAW); drawmode (NORMALDRAW); }
void mygetcolor (void) { (void) getcolor (); }
void mygetgdesc (void) { (void) getgdesc (GD_XPMAX); }
void mygetorigin (void) { int x, y; getorigin (&x, &y); }
void mygetpid (void) { (void) getpid (); }
void mygetsize (void) { int x, y; getsize (&x, &y); }
void mylinewidth (void) { linewidth (3); linewidth (1); }
void mypushatt (void) { pushattributes (); popattributes (); }
void mypushmat (void) { pushmatrix (); popmatrix (); }
void mypushname (void) { pushname (0); popname (); }
void mypushview (void) { pushviewport (); popviewport (); }
void myreshape (void) { reshapeviewport (); }
void myrot (void) { rot (10.0, 'z'); }
void myrotate (void) { rotate (100, 'z'); }
void myscale (void) { scale (0.9, 0.9, 0.9); }
void mysetlinestyle (void) { setlinestyle (1); setlinestyle (0); }
void mysetpattern (void) { setpattern (1); setpattern (0); }
void myswap (void) { swapbuffers (); }
void mytranslate (void) { translate (10.0, 10.0, 10.0); }
void mywinget (void) { (void) winget (); }
void mywinset1 (void) { winset (windowid1); }
void mywinset2 (void) { winset (windowid1); winset (windowid2); }
* table of functions to time, with their names
struct {
char *name;
void (*func)();
} table[] = {
{"color(1)/color(2)", mycolor},
{"drawmode(OVER)/drawmode(NORMAL)", mydrawmode},
{"getcolor", mygetcolor},
{"getgdesc(GD_XPMAX)", mygetgdesc},
{"getorigin", mygetorigin},
{"getpid", mygetpid},
{"getsize", mygetsize},
{"linewidth(3)/linewidth(1)", mylinewidth},
{"pushattributes/popattributes", mypushatt},
{"pushmatrix/popmatrix", mypushmat},
{"pushname/popname", mypushname},
{"pushviewport/popviewport", mypushview},
{"reshapeviewport", myreshape},
{"rot", myrot},
{"rotate", myrotate},
{"scale", myscale},
{"setlinestyle(1)/setlinestyle(0)", mysetlinestyle},
{"setpattern(1)/setpattern(0)", mysetpattern},
{"swapbuffers", myswap},
{"translate", mytranslate},
{"winget", mywinget},
{"winset(win1)", mywinset1},
{"winset(win1)/winset(win2)", mywinset2},
main (int argc, char *argv[])
int i;
* possibly override the default number of seconds per test with a
* command line value
if (argc == 2)
testtime = (float) atof (argv[1]);
* do graphics setup
foreground ();
prefposition (0, 100, getgdesc (GD_YPMAX) - 101, getgdesc (GD_YPMAX) - 1);
windowid1 = winopen ("glbench1");
doublebuffer ();
gconfig ();
prefposition (101, 201, getgdesc (GD_YPMAX) - 101, getgdesc (GD_YPMAX) - 1);
windowid2 = winopen ("glbench2");
doublebuffer ();
gconfig ();
color (WHITE);
deflinestyle (1, 0xAAAA);
defpattern (1, 16, (unsigned short *) "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA");
* step through the table
for (i = 0; i < sizeof table / sizeof table[0]; i++)
(void) fprintf (stdout, "%-35s : %7d calls per second\n",
table[i].name, calls (table[i].func));
* leave noisily
ringbell ();
exit (0);
Dan Williams, Systems & Scientific Software, consultant to:
GE Advanced Technology Labs | Internet: dwilliams at
300 Route 38, Bldg. 145-1 | uucp: ...!mcnc!ge-rtp!!dwilliams
Moorestown, NJ 08057 | Voice: (609) 866-6220
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