#! /usr/sbin/smake
Chris Wagner
jwag at moose.asd.sgi.com
Fri Apr 26 01:33:48 AEST 1991
In article <9104250146.AA25593 at karron.med.nyu.edu>, Dan
Karron at UCBVAX.BERKELEY.EDU writes:
> I just observed that if the above comment was put into a makefile,
> in the first character, like a shell directive,
> then when you type make, make will use that program to
> process the makefile, instead of the default make.
> This is a really useful feature. I never noticed it in the documentation.
> In this way, my makefiles can know that they are to be processed
> by , say pmake or smake instead of the default make.
> Cheers!
> | karron at nyu.edu (e-mail alias ) Dan Karron, Research
Associate |
> | Phone: 212 263 5210 Fax: 212 263 7190 New York University Medical
Center |
> | 560 First Avenue Digital Pager <1> (212) 397
9330 |
> | New York, New York 10016 <2> 10896 <3>
<your-number-here> |
This was put into 3.3 - at firsxt to help us here at SGI start
to migrate to smake/ parallel make - this way as makefiles
are modified to run in parallel (many just plain work) we can
add #!smake
The make man page has had alot of work done to it in 3.3 - it documents
this feature as well as sinclude (include a file but don't whine about
it not being there), as well as documentation for such arcane features
as VPATH, etc.
Chris Wagner (jwag at sgi.com)
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