graphing and plotting
rbriber at POLY1.NIST.GOV
rbriber at POLY1.NIST.GOV
Fri Apr 12 07:17:11 AEST 1991
We have been using gnuplot on our Iris a fair amount and it gives
adequate output for simple 2D plots, though it's not very flexible.
We recently installed gnuplot (version 2.02 from
with the patches from to allow
3D plotting. The 3D examples look OK, but as to actually using it
we'll have to wait and see. But then it's free.
We are also going to try WingZ which is a port of the
Mac (and PC) spreadsheet to the Iris which is supposed to have
nice graphics. I've never used WingZ at all so I can't say much
about it's capabilities in the scientific arena. When we get it
and play around a bit I can let anyone know whose is interested
what our impressions are. Or maybe some people already have opinions
who've used it on a Mac or PC?
| Adios Amebas, | "Rock (music) is the most brutal, ugly, |
| Robert Briber | desperate, vicious, form of expression it has |
| NIST 224/B210 | been my misfortune to hear." -Frank Sinatra |
| Gaithersburg, MD 20899| rbriber at (Internet) |
| (301) 975-6775 (voice)| rbriber at (Internet) |
| (301) 975-2128 (fax) | rbriber at nbsenh.bitnet (Bitnet) |
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