swapinterval & tmesh
Marc Andreessen
andreess at mrlaxa.mrl.uiuc.edu
Sun Apr 28 19:07:20 AEST 1991
In article <15121 at darkstar.ucsc.edu> mmcohen at fuzzy (Dr. Michael M. Cohen) writes:
>How much speedup in drawing time can I expect by using triangular
>mesh approach? (system is 4D/310-VGX-FX 3.3.2 16Mb)
Quite a bit. I haven't used the vgx, but on PI's and GTX's tmeshes
give dramatically better performance (since after the first triangle
you're only passing one new vertex per triangle through the pipeline).
>I am computing the vertex normals myself. Can the graphics hardware
>do this for me?
Nope. (Or does the VGX do something new? And if so - or if it could -
would it be faster than a fast software algorithm?)
Marc Andreessen___________University of Illinois Materials Research Laboratory
Internet: andreessen at uimrl7.mrl.uiuc.edu____________Bitnet: andreessen at uiucmrl
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